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how motherhood changed me


10 Ways Motherhood Changed My Outlook on Life



Being a mother is an incredible experience. It fills your life with love, laughter and much learning, but it also comes with body transformations, sleepless nights and dealing with tantrums.

While you knew becoming a mom would change your life, maybe you didn’t realise just how much. This is how motherhood changes you and transforms how you see the world.

1.   Priorities Shift

Remember those days when your schedule revolved around you? Now, your focus shifts to nurturing your child’s growth and happiness. You learn to prioritise feedings, nap times and playtime, even if it means putting your own wants on hold for a while.

There’s a transition from self-centred to other-centred without even realising it. You find yourself making decisions based on what’s best for your family. It’s a beautiful shift that teaches the power of selflessness and reinforces the importance of community over self.

2.   A Deeper Understanding of Love

The love you feel for your baby is unlike anything you’ve ever known. It’s fierce and unconditional, pushing you to be the best version of yourself. This profound love opens your heart to new depths of emotion, inspiring you to be more patient, empathetic and forgiving toward others.

You start considering how your actions and choices affect others, which makes you more compassionate. Your partner, family, friends and colleagues also experience this new you, strengthening all your relationships and interactions.

3.   Personal Growth and Self-Discovery

Motherhood is a continuous learning process. You learn alongside your kid, pushing yourself to be a better example. The qualities you develop cultivate a stronger sense of self and personal fulfillment, encouraging you to continue growing and evolving.

Parenting challenges push you to reflect and adapt. It’s a journey of self-awareness and development that makes you more well-rounded and stimulates a growth mindset.

4.   Build Resilience

From sleepless nights to public meltdowns and endless mess, motherhood is a crash course in resilience. It throws you curveballs that you learn to adapt and overcome. This resilience helps you navigate life’s ups and downs gracefully, making you more capable of handling stress and adversity.

The unpredictable nature of parenting requires flexibility and resourcefulness. Each hurdle you overcome fortifies your resolve, which equips you with the mental toughness to tackle future challenges with newfound confidence.

5.   Better Time Management

You become a master of time management. Juggling tasks and responsibilities becomes second nature. Prioritisation enables you to make the most of your time.

This skill benefits all areas of your life. You become adept at organisation, delegating and finding creative solutions to manage your schedule. This boosts productivity and efficiency, giving you a greater sense of accomplishment.

6.   Appreciation for the Little Things

Simple joys become more meaningful. You find yourself savouring the simple things and finding joy in the everyday. Whether it's a chuckle, a quiet moment of cuddling or witnessing your child’s milestones, these moments remind you of the preciousness of life.

This quality begins in pregnancy. As soon as you conceive, you start to appreciate the life growing inside you. This gives you contentment over the hormonal changes your body goes through in pregnancy, including the dreaded ones that cause varicose veins.

It’s a mindfulness that helps you stay grounded and grateful, enhancing your overall quality of life.

7.   Discovery of New Strengths

You’ll begin to notice “talents” you didn’t know you had. Perhaps you never saw yourself as organised, playful or crafty. Suddenly, you’re a master at to-do lists, colour-coding your laundry like a pro and whipping up elaborate birthday cakes.

You discover a wellspring of courage, resourcefulness, innovation and out-of-the-box problem-solving. These qualities extend beyond motherhood, enriching your personal growth and professional endeavours.

8.   Enhanced Sense of Purpose

Caring for your baby gives your life new meaning. You feel a profound sense of responsibility and motivation to provide the best for your family.

The daily tasks of motherhood — from nurturing to educating — reinforce your role as a caregiver, protector and teacher.

You’re no longer just existing. You’re actively shaping the future.

9.   Heightened Awareness of Health and Safety

Every germ and boo-boo becomes a potential crisis. Once you have a baby, you can’t resist the nudge to make better choices for yourself and your family.

You become a vigilant protector, learning about first aid, healthy habits and the importance of prevention before cure. This awareness informs a healthier lifestyle and sets a positive example for your kids.

10.   New Perspective on Career and Ambitions

Many working moms find balancing the household and office work challenging. This continues to instigate a preference for part-time work, as expressed by over 50% of career moms. Most women who held full-time positions before motherhood attribute this preference to stress-related burnout from balancing work and family.

Once you become a mother, you re-evaluate your career path and ambitions. Your aims become more aligned with your beliefs, and you may find yourself craving more flexibility at work or a career that upholds family values.

This doesn’t mean you’re diminishing your aspirations — it simply refocuses them on a life that allows you to be both a successful parent and a fulfilled individual. It’s a shift that inspires innovative career solutions, hence a more satisfying professional life.

Embrace the Journey

Becoming a mother is a unique experience. It changes your priorities, deepens your love and unlocks hidden strengths. Reflect on how motherhood has changed you, celebrate your growth and embrace the transformation. This is a journey worth cherishing.


  1. Ledbetter, D. (2022). When I became a mother, it enveloped my entire being.
  2. Central Florida Vein and Vascular Center. Does Pregnancy Cause Varicose Veins?
  3. Motherly (2020). State Of Motherhood Survey.