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Postpartum Doulas — Understanding Their Roles and How They Support You



They say it takes a village to raise a child and we often hear that saying from family and friends, but where exactly is the village? With the cost of living on the rise and everyone living fast paced lifestyles. That “it takes a village” saying is unfortunately fading, BUT! There is a solution. POSTPARTUM DOULAS, BABY!


Parenting is hard and it can be complicated, frustrating, and overwhelming at the best of times, but let's add to that. You are a woman who has just given birth for the first time. It adds to the usual parenting woes by ten million trillion!!!

That postpartum bubble can be a mixture of emotions and on top of that you are meeting a whole new person… Yes, the baby. But that’s not who I’m referring to - it’s you, THE MOTHER! That, along with the change of hormones, means women need good support systems in place!

Postpartum is a time that is often overlooked, with many parents finding themselves focusing just on the birth, and of course the baby. With many friends and family coming to visit that adorable, squishy new addition.

postpartum support chart

Now, I am not saying the mother is forgotten, but in modern society, mothers are coming second. Culturally, women in Western nations, such as Australia, are typically made to resume ‘normal’ life shortly after giving birth.

Ensuring mothers have the right support system in place to adjust to their new way of life is very important during this vulnerable time. This is where postpartum doulas come in. We are there as part of a mother's village!  

What Types of Doulas Are There

Firstly, a doula is a non-medical assistant in prenatal care, labour, and postnatal care. The term is derived from the Greek word for “women who serve”.

Now, there are a few different types of doulas:

  • We have a birth doula, who assists during pregnancy, labour and birth.
  • A postpartum doula, as the name suggests, helps the family during the postpartum period, usually until the baby is 8-10 weeks old.
  • A fertility doula can help during the conception process and may be especially beneficial for families who are struggling to get pregnant.

Doulas are trained to provide practical and emotional support, as well as information to a woman throughout the stages of pregnancy, birth and postpartum. A doula believes every woman deserves continuous support, an advocating voice, and a positive experience during birth and the transition into motherhood.

Why Work With a Postpartum Doula

Postpartum doulas can be an extremely helpful resource for new mothers, as we supply physical comforts, emotional, and educational support.

The effects of having a postpartum doula are extensive, with benefits ranging from increased maternal confidence and improved breastfeeding outcomes, with studies showing an increased breastfeeding success and of course reduced postpartum depression.

Postpartum doulas can offer education to mothers on topics such as newborn care, postpartum self-care and parenting tips.

Postpartum doulas can assist with breastfeeding support, helping parents identify feeding cues and providing guidance on proper latch and positioning. No, we aren’t lactation consultants… though some are! We do, however, have a solid knowledge base and personal experience to draw from.

We can also offer resources and referrals for further support, such as counseling and physios. The list goes on!

A postpartum doula works with each family holistically but focuses on the mother to help and empower them through their transition into motherhood. Doulas are a source of information and support that can help the mother adjust to life with their new baby.

Here I would like to mention that doulas do undergo training and education. Although there isn't a “formal qualification", there are plenty of reputable educational providers out there in Australia!

Doulas are constantly upskilling and sharing information to ensure mothers receive not only the best care, but relevant resources and information. Doulas also individually add to their skill set with some offering photography, sleep consulting or even naturopathy.

Yep, it's competitive! But we all have the same goal! And that’s supporting the mother.

How Can a Postpartum Doula Help

We offer a wide range of services to new mothers, no matter if it’s their first child or tenth child! We can help with practical tasks, such as:

  • Meal preparation
  • Providing nourishing food
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Laundry
  • Running errands
  • Playing with siblings
  • Bathing the baby while the mother rests
  • Relaxation massage
  • Virtual support (via video call or text message)

We not only provide these physical supports and comforts, but also emotional support by creating a safe space for mothers to debrief about their birth experience and talk about how they’re going. So let's sit down with a cuppa and talk!

We ensure that the basic needs of the mother and the baby are met, such as providing warm, hearty meals and encouraging hydration to help facilitate the healing period that is postpartum.

Sleep and rest is also prioritised, and postpartum doulas can support parents in establishing helpful sleep habits for both themselves and their baby. We also offer comfort measures like light massages and encouraging self-care practices.

juanita and her newborn baby

By now I’m sure you're thinking “but wait, I have a partner!”. Please know that we do NOT replace your partner, we actually work closely with partners. We understand that they play a very important role but sometimes they need guidance and encouragement, too.

Working with partners means ‘supported mothers’, and that’s our goal remember?

Doulas will help to reduce any anxiety or fill any knowledge gaps for the partner. By doing this, we are creating the foundation of the village. Hiring a postpartum doula will aid both the mother and partner in thriving in this transition.

So, What Might a Postpartum Doula Visit Look Like?

Firstly, we always like to do a meet and greet. This usually happens while the woman is pregnant. This is a good opportunity to sit down and get to know one another.

 It’s important to ensure we’re compatible, and that applies to any type of doula. This is a good time to ask your potential doula all the questions – Who, what, when, where, why and how?

Lots of doulas will also offer a birth plan session with their postpartum packages, and potentially offer a postpartum plan session prior to the arrival of your new addition! These are great tools and sessions to do.

You will often leave feeling prepared, in control and more knowledgeable. Even if you know all the birthing stuff! Having a physical plan that's been discussed at length, will enable you to have the birth you want and have those personal and healthy boundaries in place for your postpartum period.

During visits, postpartum doulas conduct an initial assessment of the mother’s and the family’s needs. We prioritise the areas that require the most support, such as sleep, food, and emotional support.

The length and frequency of visits may vary, depending on what the mother has requested in that initial consultation, but a typical visit can last around 2-3 hours.

We support you!

I recognise that not everyone can afford or even access a doula, but if you can, it’s a worthwhile investment! According to a 2017 Cochrane Review, the benefits of having a doula can lower chances of postpartum depression.

Doulas provide specialised and holistic support that can help mothers through pregnancy, birth and beyond! By providing guidance, coaching, and ensuring that both the physical and emotional needs of the mother and the family are met.

juanita skin to skin with her newborn baby

What Made Me Doula-La?

Now this is an important question for clients to ask all doulas. This makes sure that your values align and that you're hiring someone you can really connect with.

I draw from my own personal experiences as a mother and a registered nurse when it comes to doula’ing. I am a mumma of 4 and have experienced the highs and lows through all the stages.

I have also been a registered nurse for 11 years, predominantly in paediatrics but also dabbled in maternal mental health nursing, so I know the support that us mums need.

Now, I don’t claim to be an expert or a pro at anything! I am learning every day and growing as a person, a mother and a wife; but there is still so much practical and emotional support I can offer to help mothers, to create practical plans that will see mothers go from surviving to thriving.

That’s what I want to see! Mums thriving! Feeling empowered! Getting the experience they deserve!

You are Mum-umental!

Overall, postpartum doulas play a vital role in supporting new parents during the postpartum period. Whether it is practical help, emotional support, guidance, or even establishing a friendship!

We make a significant difference in the wellbeing and adjustment of the mother. 

Helpful Resources: